On 24/04/19 09:32 -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> On Wed, 2019-04-24 at 16:08 +0200, wf...@niif.hu wrote:
>> Make install creates /var/log/pacemaker with mode 0770, owned by
>> hacluster:haclient.  However, if I create the directory as root:root
>> instead, pacemaker.log appears as hacluster:haclient all the
>> same.  What breaks in this setup besides log rotation (which can be
>> fixed by removing the su directive)?  Why is it a good idea to let
>> the haclient group write the logs?
> Cluster administrators are added to the haclient group. It's a minor
> use case, but the group write permission allows such users to run
> commands that log to the detail log. An example would be running
> "crm_resource --force-start" for a resource agent that writes debug
> information to the log.

I think the prime and foremost use case is that half of the actual
pacemaker daemons run as hacluster:haclient themselves, and it's
preferred for them to be not completely muted about what they do,
correct? :-)

Indeed, users can configure whatever log routing they desire
(I was actually toying with an idea to make it a lot more flexible,
log-per-type-of-daemon and perhaps even distinguished by PID,
configurable log formats since currently it's arguably a heavy
overkill to keep the hostname stated repeatedly over and over
without actually bothering to recheck it from time to time, etc.).

Also note, relying on almighty root privileges (like with the pristine
deployment) is a silent misconception that cannot be taken for fully
granted, so again arguably, even the root daemons should take
a haclient group's coat on top of their own just in case [*].

> If ACLs are not in use, such users already have full read/write
> access to the CIB, so being able to read and write the log is not an
> additional concern.
> With ACLs, I could see wanting to change the permissions, and that idea
> has come up already. One approach might be to add a PCMK_log_mode
> option that would default to 0660, and users could make it more strict
> if desired.

It looks reasonable to prevent read-backs by anyone but root, that
could be applied without any further toggles, assuming the pacemaker
code won't flip once purposefully allowed read bits for group back
automatically and unconditionally.

[*] for instance when SELinux hits hard (which is currently not the
    case for Fedora/EL family), even though the executor(s) would need
    to be exempted if process inheritance taints the tree once forever:

Jan (Poki)

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