On Fri, 2019-06-07 at 10:27 +0100, lejeczek wrote:
> hi guys,
> I have a small cluster with:
> $ pcs property set default-resource-stickiness=100

The above is deprecated, the below is current

> $ pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=100
> $ pcs resource meta PRIV-204 stickiness=100 (on which other resources
> colocate-depend)
> When I stop A node (or cluster services) on which resources are
> running
> then these are moved to another B node, all good. But these resource
> do
> not stick to that B node when A node comes back on line, resource
> move
> again back to node A.
> What is that I'm missing? Why resources do not stick as they should?

There must be some other score outweighing the stickiness. Show the
cluster constraints to see if there is anything you don't expect. In
particular, using ban/move commands creates permanent constraints that
have to be cleared when you no longer want them.

> How do I ensure the cluster gets that the cost of behaving as above
> is
> too high.
> many thanks, L.
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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