On 4/11/20 6:52 PM, Eric Robinson wrote:
 1. What command can I execute on the qdevice node which tells me which
    client nodes are connected and alive?

i use
corosync-qnetd-tool -v -l

 2. In the output of the pcs qdevice status command, what is the meaning of…

         Vote:                   ACK (ACK)

This is documented in the corosync-qnetd-tool man page.

 3. In the output of the  pcs quorum status Command, what is the meaning of…

Membership information


     Nodeid      Votes    Qdevice Name

          1          1    A,V,NMW 001db03a

          2          1    A,V,NMW 001db03b (local)

Pcs just displays output of corosync-quorumtool. Nodeid and votes columns are probably obvious, name is resolved reverse dns name of the node ip addr (-i suppress this behavior) and qdevice column really needs to be documented, so: A/NA - Qdevice is alive / not alive. This is rather internal flag, but it can be seen as a heartbeat between qdevice and corosync. Should be always alive.
V/NV - Qdevice has cast voted / not cast voted. Take is a an ACK/NACK.
MW/NMW - Master wins / not master wins. This is really internal flag. By default corosync-qdevice newer asks for master wins so it is going to be nmw. For more information what it means see votequorum_qdevice_master_wins (3)


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