On Thu, 2020-12-17 at 21:20 +0900, Techs-yama wrote:
> Hello there,
> This is probably a fairly rudimentary question.
> I recently started studying corosync and pacemaker.
> I have a question about how to recognize heartbeat or corosync status
> type.
> Where does the "Stack:" columns recognize for configurations when run
> the crm_mon command?
> [root@host1 ~]# crm_mon
> ============
> Last updated: hoge hoge
> Stack: Heartbeat
> Is this be configured in corosync or heartbeat?

Support for particular cluster layers ("stacks") is determined when
Pacemaker is built. Pacemaker 2.0.0 and later only supports corosync 2
and later, so it's always and only "corosync" now, but Pacemaker 1
could also optionally support heartbeat and corosync 1 (with either
CMAN or the pacemaker plugin).

Out of whichever stacks are supported, Pacemaker dynamically determines
which one is currently in use when it starts. So basically, it's not
determined from a configuration file, but based on what's running.

> e.g.) service directive on corosync.conf?
> service {
>     name: pacemaker
>     ver: 0
>     use_mgmtd: yes 
> }
> and then service-directive parameters are mandatory sections for
> configurations?
> best regards.
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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