

In my test cluster using UDPU(!) I saw this syslog message when I shut down a 
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 pacemaker-execd[3681]:  notice: executing - 
rsc:prm_testVG_activate action:stop call_id:71
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 LVM-activate(prm_testVG_activate)[7265]: INFO: Deactivating 
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 corosync[3520]:   [CPG   ] *** 0x55ff99d211c0 can't mcast 
to group dlm:ls:lvm_testVG state:1, error:12
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_testVG: leaving the lockspace group...
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_global: dlm_recover 7
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_global: remove member 118
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_testVG: group event done 0 0
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_testVG: release_lockspace final free
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_global: dlm_recover_members 2 nodes
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_global: generation 3 slots 2 1:116 3:119
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_global: dlm_recover_directory
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 kernel: dlm: lvm_global: dlm_recover_directory 0 in 0 new
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 LVM-activate(prm_testVG_activate)[7288]: INFO: testVG: 
deactivated successfully.
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 pacemaker-execd[3681]:  notice: prm_testVG_activate stop 
(call 71, PID 7258) exited with status 0 (execution time 251ms, queue time 0ms)
Nov 30 13:38:28 h16 pacemaker-controld[3684]:  notice: Result of stop operation 
for prm_testVG_activate on h16: ok

What kind of prtoblem is that, and what may be causing this?

This happens when application calls cpg_mcast_joined to the group which doesn't exists - so application doesn't called cpg_join yet or (that's probably the case here) after it called cpg_leave. No matter what, this is probably the problem in dlm_controld so best is to ask dlm expert.



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