
adding the lead developer for pcs, and the pacemaker user devel mailing list.

This mailing list is specific to kronosnet development.

On 05/02/2021 10.17, RUGINA Szabolcs-Gavril wrote:
Hi folks,

Thank you for your time and will to help.

We are in the middle of a high pressure because some problems with RHEL HA Cluster/Corosync+Pacemaker/DRBD and we arrived at the point that we upgraded corosync 2.4.3 to 3.1 and pacemaker 1.1.20 to 2.1 but then our setup gives errors with the command

“pcs property set no-quorum-policy=stop”.

The error is:

/No such file or directory', 'command': '/usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine metadata’/

Indeed //usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine /does not exists, I assume it is OK, because in the new pacemaker 3.1 the internal structure was changed..

In the midtime we found out that we could archive the same setting using crm_attribute --name no-quorum-policy –update stop.

My questions are:

  * Is there a reason that pcs has no build for RHEL 7?

I can only answer this question, newer version of pcs needs ruby and python in versions that are not supported on RHEL7 and even if we can build the package, it won´t run.


  * Is the crm_attribute the right choice for setting cluster properties
    and will cover all usecases?

Thank You!



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