
Inspecting the logs after the cluster had rebalanced resources, I'm wondering:
It looks as if pacemaker-controld does log a success message when a local 
migration succeeded, but not if a remote one did.

Actions planned:
Migrate    prm_xen_test-jeos1            ( h16 -> h18 )
Migrate    prm_xen_test-jeos2            ( h18 -> h19 )
Migrate    prm_xen_test-jeos4            ( h16 -> h18 )

Like this (h19 being DC):

h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating migrate_from operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos2_migrate_from_0 locally on h19
h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Result of migrate_from operation for 
prm_xen_test-jeos2 on h19: ok

But for a non-local migration it looks quite different:
h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating migrate_to operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos1_migrate_to_0 on h16
h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating migrate_to operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos4_migrate_to_0 on h16

h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating migrate_from operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos4_migrate_from_0 on h18
h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating migrate_from operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos1_migrate_from_0 on h18

h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating stop operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos4_stop_0 on h16
h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating stop operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos1_stop_0 on h16

h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating monitor operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos4_monitor_600000 on h18
h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: Initiating monitor operation 
prm_xen_test-jeos1_monitor_600000 on h18

h19 pacemaker-controld[7539]:  notice: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> 
(no more messages for a while)

On the remote nodes I see:
h18 pacemaker-controld[7131]:  notice: Result of migrate_from operation for 
prm_xen_test-jeos4 on h18: ok
h18 pacemaker-controld[7131]:  notice: Result of migrate_from operation for 
prm_xen_test-jeos1 on h18: ok

h16 pacemaker-controld[7223]:  notice: Result of migrate_to operation for 
prm_xen_test-jeos4 on h16: ok
h16 pacemaker-controld[7223]:  notice: Result of migrate_to operation for 
prm_xen_test-jeos1 on h16: ok

The other thing I noticed is that a start operation is logged with execution 
time like this:
h19 pacemaker-execd[7536]:  notice: prm_cron_snap_test-jeos2 start (call 170, 
PID 11079) exited with status 0 (execution time 55ms, queue time 0ms)

But for a migration there is no such timing info (logged by the DC; it's logged 
on the remote node). Considering that migrations can time-out, wouldn't that be 
a useful info to have as well?


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