Yet, this doesn't explain why token of 30000 causes the nodes to never assemble 
a cluster (waiting for half an hour, using wait_for_all=1) , while setting it 
to 29000 works like a charm.

Thankfully we got RH subsciption, so RH devs will provide more detailed output 
on the issue.

I was hoping that I missed in the documentation about the maximum token size...

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

В четвъртък, 11 март 2021 г., 19:12:58 ч. Гринуич+2, Jan Friesse 
<> написа: 

> Hello all,
> I'm building a test cluster on RHEL8.2 and I have noticed that the cluster 
> fails to assemble ( nodes stay inquorate as if the network is not working) if 
> I set the token at 30000 or more (30s+).

Knet waits for enough pong replies for other nodes before it marks them 
as alive and starts sending/receiving packets from them. By default it 
needs to receive 2 pongs and ping is sent 4 times in token timeout so it 
means 15 sec until node is considered up for 30 sec token timeout.

> What is the maximum token value with knet ?On SLES12 (I think it was  
> corosync 1) , I used to set the token/consensus with far greater values on 
> some of our clusters.

I'm really not aware about any arbitrary limits.

> Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov



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