>>> Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com> schrieb am 26.04.2021 um 20:06 in
> On Mon, 2021-04-26 at 17:04 +0000, Moneta, Howard wrote:
>> Hello community.  I have read that it is not recommended to set
>> Pacemaker and corosync to enabled/auto start on the nodes.  Is this
>> how people have it configured? If a computer restarts unexpectedly,
>> is it better to manually investigate first or allow the node to come
>> back online and rejoin the cluster automaticly in order to minimize
>> downtime?  If the auto start is not enabled, how do you handle
>> patching?  I’m using Pacemaker with PAF, PostgreSQL Automatic
>> Failover. I had thought to follow the published guidance and not set
>> those processes to enabled but other coworkers are resisting and
>> saying that the systems should be configured to recover by themselves
>> around patching or even a temporary unplanned network/virtualization
>> glitch.
>> Thanks,
>> Howard
> Hi Howard,
> It's a matter of preference. You summed up the pros and cons of each
> side quite well. :)
> The manual approach leans more to safety. For example, if a node got
> fenced because its network card is flaky, or a disk is having write
> errors, then having it automatically rejoin is just going to repeat the
> problem.
> The automated approach leans more to quick self-recovery, and is more
> convenient in larger organizations where not every administrator that
> has access to the host for applying updates etc. is trained on the
> cluster software.

As auto-start is usually paired with auto-stop, enabling those has the
advantage that a clean node restart could be as simple as pressing
Ctrl+Alt+Del, while some stressed admins may forget to shutdown the cluster
node before restarting...


> -- 
> Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>
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