On 2021-05-18 1:13 p.m., S Sathish S wrote:
> Hi Digimer/Team,
> In our product use unicast protocols and CPU load is normal while
> problematic timing.
> We don’t defined corosync / totem timing values using default timing
> till now, Please suggest what basic we need to tune this parameter based
> on cluster nodes ?
> [root@node1 ~]# corosync-cmapctl | grep totem.token
> runtime.config.totem.token (u32) = 19850
> runtime.config.totem.token_retransmit (u32) = 4726
> runtime.config.totem.token_retransmits_before_loss_const (u32) = 4

I have no experience with such large clusters, so I can't offer direct
advice. Perhaps this thread is helpful?


You might also find useful advice in 'man 5 corosync.conf'.

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