On 27.05.2021 15:36, Nathan Mazarelo wrote:
> Is there a way to have pacemaker resource groups failover if all floating IP 
> resources are unavailable?
> I want to have multiple floating IPs in a resource group that will only 
> failover if all IPs cannot work. Each floating IP is on a different subnet 
> and can be used by the application I have. If a floating IP is unavailable it 
> will use the next available floating IP.
> Resource Group: floating_IP
> floating-IP
> floating-IP2
> floating-IP3      
> For example, right now if a floating-IP resource fails the whole resource 
> group will failover to a different node. What I want is to have pacemaker 
> failover the resource group only if all three resources are unavailable. Is 
> this possible?

Yes. See "Moving Resources Due to Connectivity Changes" in pacemaker
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