On Fri, 2021-11-05 at 05:28 +0000, Neitzert, Greg A wrote:
> Hello,
> With a Pacemaker 1.1.13/Corosync 2.3.5 cluster is it possible to
> define a relationship between two resources so that:
> B depends on A (a normal order constraint)
> If either fails, they both need to be stopped and restarted, in the
> order defined above (B stops, A stops, A starts, then B starts)
> In the normal configuration, if A fails, then A and B will be
> restarted, because B depends on A.  However, if B fails, only B is
> restarted because A does not depend on it.  In most cases this is
> going to be fine, but we have a case where in some situations B is
> failing precisely because A above it is having a failure (but we
> don’t know it yet). 

Unfortunately, no. It is on the wish list but no one's had time to look
at it (and is unlikely to).

One possible fix might be to force reprobes of all resources that a
failed resource depends on, before attempting recovery of the
originally failed resource. That would catch this particular scenario
without introducing an ordering loop. It could also slow recovery
significantly, so we'd probably make it optional behavior.

Your monitoring interval workaround is about the best I can think of.

To do better than that, you might have to write your own resource
agent. You could take Filesystem as a base and add some checks so that
if the issue is present, it issues a hard error (e.g. $OCF_ERR_ARGS) so
it isn't retried on that node until it can be cleaned up. Or if you
only have one filesystem, you could combine the LVM and Filesystem
agents for cleaner handling.

> The order attribute takes care of the ordering of the start/stop
> (along with adding colocation so they stay on the same node).
> The problem I am trying to address is the case where the monitor for
> B fires first, and B is attempted to be restarted, but it won’t work
> until A is.
> Case in point, LVM and Filesystem2 resources.
> If LVM needs to be refreshed, the Filesystem above it stops working
> (e.g. I/O fails).  However, Filesystem noticed a problem first, and
> LVM didn’t have a chance to see it also had a problem.  Therefore,
> Filesystem will try to restart itself until it exhausts its retries. 
> At that point, a cleanup is required to get things going again, and
> LVM has to be manually restarted.
> We have a case where the LVM cache needs to be refreshed and the
> volumes reactivated to clear up a problem caused by paths going down
> and coming back up in a SAN causing the LVM VG to get in a
> compromised state, and the LVM problem causes the Filesystem I/O to
> fail, and Filesystem notices first, monitor fails, it stops itself,
> and tries in vain to restart, because it will not until the LVM
> resource is restarted.
> I made the monitor interval longer for Filesystem than LVM which
> makes LVM find the problem first, but that isn’t foolproof.
> If it was a rule that if a Filesystem resource needs to be stopped
> and started that the LVM resource it depends on has to be restarted
> first, I should be able to avoid the problem entirely.
> In essence, what I’m asking is if I can make two resource start and
> stop in a particular order, but also define that if one has to be
> started or stopped the other must as well (in my defined order). 
> Thanks.
> Greg Neitzert | Lead Software Engineer | RTC Software Engineering 2B
> - Middleware
> Unisys Corp
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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