Hi guys

I set up a clone of a new instance of mariadb galera - which otherwise, outside of pcs works - but I see something weird.

Firstly cluster claims it's all good:

-> $ pcs status --full

  * Clone Set: mariadb-apps-clone [mariadb-apps] (promotable):
    * mariadb-apps    (ocf::heartbeat:galera):     Master sucker.internal.ccn     * mariadb-apps    (ocf::heartbeat:galera):     Master drunk.internal.ccn

but that mariadb is _not_ started actually.

In clone's attr I set:


I also for peace of mind set:


even tough '/apps/etc/mariadb-server.cnf' declares that & other bits - again, works outside of pcs.

Then I see in pacemaker logs:

notice: mariadb-apps_star...@drunk.internal.ccn output [ 220726 11:56:13 mysqld_safe Logging to '/tmp/tmp.On5VnzOyaF'.\n220726 11:56:13 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql\n ]

.. and I think what the F?


All thoughts share are much appreciated.

many thanks, L.

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