On 13/07/2023 17:33, Ken Gaillot wrote:
On Wed, 2023-07-12 at 21:08 +0200, lejeczek via Users wrote:
Hi guys.

I have a fresh new 'galera' clone and that one would not start &
cluster says:
INFO: Waiting on node <whale> to report database status before Master
instances can start.

Is that only for newly created resources - which I guess it must be -
and if so then why?
Naturally, next question would be - how to make such resource start
in that very circumstance?

many thank, L.
That is part of the agent rather than Pacemaker. Looking at the agent
code, it's based on a node attribute the agent sets, so it is only
empty for newly created resources that haven't yet run on a node. I'm
not sure if there's a way around it. (Anyone else have experience with
any expert/devel would agree - this qualifies as a bug?
To add to my last message - mariadb starts a okey outside of the cluster but also if I manually change 'safe_to_bootstrap' to '1' on any of the - in my case - two nodes, then cluster will also start the clone ok. But then... disable(seems that Galera cluster gets shut down ok) & enable the clone and clone fails to start with those errors as earlier - waiting for off-lined node - and leaving the clone as 'Unpromoted'
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