On 10/11/2023 18:16, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
On Fri, 10 Nov 2023 17:17:41 +0100
lejeczek via Users <users@clusterlabs.org> wrote:

Of course you can use "pg_stat_tmp", just make sure the temp folder exists:

    cat <<EOF > /etc/tmpfiles.d/postgresql-part.conf
    # Directory for PostgreSQL temp stat files
    d /var/run/postgresql/14-paf.pg_stat_tmp 0700 postgres postgres - -

To take this file in consideration immediately without rebooting the server,
run the following command:

    systemd-tmpfiles --create /etc/tmpfiles.d/postgresql-part.conf
Then there must be something else at play here with Ubuntus,
for none of the nodes has any extra/additional configs for
those paths & I'm sure that those were not created manually.

This parameter is usually set by pg_createcluster command and the folder
created by both pg_createcluster and pg_ctlcluster commands when needed.

This is explained in PAF tutorial there:


These commands comes from the postgresql-common wrapper, used in all Debian
related distros, allowing to install, create and use multiple PostgreSQL
versions on the same server.

Perhpaphs pgSQL created these on it's own outside of HA-cluster.
No, the Debian packaging did.

Just create the config file I pointed you in my previous answer,
systemd-tmpfiles will take care of it and you'll be fine.

yes, that was a weird trip.
I could not take the whole cluster down & as I kept fiddling with it trying to "fix" it - within & out of _pcs_ those paths were created by wrappers from disto packages - I know see that - but at first it did not look that way. Still that directive for the stats - I wonder if that got introduced, injected somewhere in between because the PG cluster - which I had for a while - did not experience this "issue" from the start and not until "recently"
thanks, L.
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