On 28 Nov 2003 18:21:23 +0000
"Rui Alberto L." Gonçalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm sending in attachment the result log of a request that
> matches this pipeline with DEBUG level.
> In fact the match pattern this time is sendmail-x :)
> I'm using cocoon 2.1.2. I tryed to use SendMailTransformer
> that is shiped with cocoon-2.1.3, but the result is the
> same!! :(
> Thanks again!

Ok, as i see from your log-file the sendMail-method from the
sendmailtransformer should be invoked and there is no
exception in the log-file.

What get you as result from your pipeline? 
Can you take a look at your mail.log (linux? then
/var/log/mail.log). Is there a connection from localhost (
the messageID should contain JavaMail?
Maybe a look in error.log and core.log (in WEB-INF/logs) can
give more details.

Best regards,


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