On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 19:22, Hugo Marcelino wrote:
>       Hi Users of cocoon:
>       My name is Hugo Marcelino and a new problem came to me. 
>       Imagine this situation:
>               -You want to define a link that has a reference like: 
>               <a href="caixão"> offcourse this is impossible  to get but
> if you encode your url you will get something like
>               (1) <a href="caix%E3o"> wich is the same. Only this one is
> encoded.

Dear Hugo,

First of all a quote from W3C:

Although URIs do not contain non-ASCII values (see [URI], section 2.1)
authors sometimes specify them in attribute values expecting URIs (i.e.,
defined with %URI; in the DTD). For instance, the following href value
is illegal:

<A href="http://foo.org/Håkon";>...</A>

We recommend that user agents adopt the following convention for
handling non-ASCII characters in such cases:

     1. Represent each character in UTF-8 (see [RFC2279]) as one or more
     2. Escape these bytes with the URI escaping mechanism (i.e., by
        converting each byte to %HH, where HH is the hexadecimal
        notation of the byte value).
This procedure results in a syntactically legal URI (as defined in
[RFC1738], section 2.2 or [RFC2141], section 2) that is independent of
the character encoding to which the HTML document carrying the URI may
have been transcoded.

>       Now my problem is that this is not happening. What i'm getting is :
> ( I  use a simple xml and apply a xsltc transfomation.)
>               .<a href="caião"> wich you can see is not the same as (1).

If you do an xslt transformation and add no <xsl:output encoding="ascii
or iso-8859-1 or ...."/> to your stylesheet, your xml will be UTF-8
encoded after transformation....

Hope this helps


>       and as you can see the transformation was made incorrectly.
>       After this  i try to use the transformer type=encodeURL, after my
> xsltc transformer, but the error was the same and the url had the sessionid
> as was written in the documents.
>       And i was very careful in the encoding because i'm using ISO-8859-1
> everywere.
>       Now my answer is:
>               - Am i doing something wrong? Or this is something that we
> can't do dynamically. 
>       I'm using Cocoon 2.1.3 and running under Jetty and i attached an
> example in this mail.
>       Thank you in Advance. <<test-iso.rar>> 
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home sweet home

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