
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 17:02:43 +0000
beyaNet Consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>               <map:serializers default="html">
>                       <map:serializer name="svg2jpeg"  
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.SVGSerializer"  
> mime-type="image/jpeg"
> logger="sitemap.serializer.svg2jpeg"/>
>               </map:serializers>

That is ok.

>               <map:match pattern="frame/*.jpg">
>                       <map:generate type="serverpages"
>                       src="xsp/artist-details.xsp"
>                       /><map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>
>               </map:match>

You have an XSL (your point 2), but in the sitemap-snipped
is no 
<map:transform src="mystylesheet.xsl"/>. Have you one in
your sitemap and forgotten here? 

To debug: change the <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/> to 
<map:serialize type="xml"/> and point  your browser to
http://localhost:8888/frame/artist1.jpg (or what your url
is). You get now a XML-File. Look if the XML-SVG is ok. 
Save this file to disk.

Download batik from:
(the bin-distri) and unpack, change to batik directory
and call "java -jar batik.jar".
This should launch squiggle a svg-viewer. 
Open your XML-SVG-file and see if it works.

If it works change your back to <map:serialize
type="svg2jpeg"/> and try again.

Best Regards,


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