I am not aware of having done anything special to install Tomcat under Mac OS X.
As far as I recall, I downloaded jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16.tar.gz from Apache,
expanded it and started Tomcat with the bin/startup.sh which it contains.

I built a WAR file from Cocoon with ant, copied it into the webapps directory and
built my application on top of that.

I start Tomcat automatically at startup from /System/Library/StartupItems on port
8080 (which is the Mac OS X equivalent of /etc/init.d), but this is convenience
rather than functionality.


On 28 Mar 2004, at 23:10, Alexander Schatten wrote:

Yves Vindevogel wrote:

I see .... could you please tell me how to setup Tomcat 5 so that it works with Cocoon 2.1. Or a document on line ?
This way, I could set up that solution and test if my problem is Jetty related. Because ... all my previous installations were on Tomcat.
Might be Jetty related ...

If Alexander Schatten reads this: what do you think ?
Is your problem also only on installations with Jetty ?

this is a good question, I also thought about this recently; unfortunately I am completly full with work and had no time to transfer everything to tomcat (not only Cocoon, but also the JDBC driver, the applications.,..)

but as this is the only difference between my machines, it could be possible: on the Linux server I user tomcat, as I do not like jetty in the production environment;

I think I need to test tomcat/cocoon also on OS X...


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