David Leangen dijo:
> I again turn to you for salvation.
> I'm finally ready to jump into flowscript... but I need a push in the
> right
> direction.
> Based on previous threads, it appears that a good approach (just to avoid
> saying "best practice" ;-) is to invoke the business logic from
> flowscript,
> set any values necessary, and call the values as needed within
> JXTemplates.
> Ok, fine.
> I made a trivial test class as follows:

First, see change made to the bean:
> package test.model;
> public class Test
> {
>       private String m_val;
private String val;
>       public Test()
>       {
>       }
>       public void setVal(String val)
        public void setVal(String newVal)
>       {
>               val = newVal;
>       }
>       public String getVal()
>       {
                return val;
>       }
> }
> In my flowscript, I make this call:
>   var test = new test.model.Test();
>   test.setVal("hello");
> I pass this along to the pipeline.
> So far, so good...
> Now, in my JXTemplate, I'd like to call the getVal() getter.... but how do
> I
> do this??


I guess you sent the test to JXTemplate using sendpage:

cocoon.sendPage("myJXTemplatePage", {"bean" : test});

Then inside JXTemplate, try to use: ${bean.val} Example:


Hope this help,

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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