Flavio Palumbo wrote:

Hi Nacho,

thank you for the replay, I tried to follow your cues but I didn't solve

I tried to modify the authentication block samples sitemap as follow :


<!-- ========================================= -->
<!-- Logout link which invalidates the session -->
<!-- ========================================= -->
<map:match pattern="protected/do-logout">
<map:act type="auth-protect">
<map:parameter name="handler" value="demohandler"/>

         <map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/prova.xsp">
          <map:parameter name="ups" value="{request:remoteUser}"/>
         <map:act type="auth-logout"/>
         <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

and prova.xsp looks like below :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";


but in the output of the console I'm not able to find the user ID.

May you help me find where I mistake ?

As far as I know, actions have to take place before page production.. In your use case, what you need is that when a logout is correctly done, you log the event and then redirect the user, I would do it like this:

<map:match pattern="protected/do-logout">
<map:act type="auth-protect">
<map:parameter name="handler" value="demohandler"/> <map:act type="auth-logout">
<map:act type="xsp-action" src="docs/prova.xsp">
<map:parameter name="ups" value="{session-context:authentication/ID}"/>
<map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

Note that I take the parameter from the authentication context, not from the request.. I don't think that the auth fw's follows the http authentication lines and saves the user in the request..

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