Thorsten Scherler wrote:

Hello everyone,

we finally have a room for the GetTogether.
We will have a Meeting about cocoon and lenya in Madrid, Spain.
It will last 2 days: 21/22.06.04.

We have 15 places with computer in total.
6 places are already taken so 9 are still aviable.

We are trying to invite somebody from *Wyona* to attend the GetTogether.
We can offer him/her to pay the cost for the travel.
*If* somebody from wyona is willing to come, the price for the GetTogether will be *around* 20-30€ for 2 days workshop and presentation. This money will hopefully cover the expenses for our guest ;-).

So please hurry up and register now!

I would like to join you (added myself to the Wiki page). So I'm afraid you have to speak English :)

-- Andreas

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