On 27.06.2004 22:28, Christopher Painter-Wakefield wrote:

I'm not familiar with that setting. Where does it live?



Joerg Heinicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are you using Tomcat?  If you do some searches, you'll probably
turn up other postings on this topic.  I can't remember all the ins
& outs, but supposedly the browsers incorrectly supply encoding
information in their requests to Tomcat (ours were POST requests),
and Tomcat by default assumes ISO-8859-1 encoding for the submitted
form data.  This gives you garbage data for anything outside plain
ASCII, if your browser sends it in UTF-8. I found some webapp
filter class that works with Tomcat to coerce the character
encoding (or Tomcat's perception of the encoding) for all requests
to UTF-8, to match all of our pages and forms.  I can send you our
filter and the web.xml entries separately; if you want them, just
e-mail me.  There may be better solutions now with Tomcat 5, but we
have just kept on using this old filter, and it seems to do the

(Now that I think about it, I think this filter is/was supplied
with the Tomcat source distribution, maybe.  Look for the
SetCharacterEncodingFilter class.)

Wouldn't setting 'form-encoding' to UTF-8 do the same?


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