Since cookies are not supported by phones, i have used URLEncoding for session 
handling in my mobile mail application. It works fine with non GPRS phone and 

However when i tested in a gprs phone, i get an error immediately after the login 
page. ie after i click the login button.

ERROR   (2004-07-06) 18:52.25:632   [sitemap.action.mail] 
(/mail/mail/mail.wml;jsessionid=1h0hx7bdhgeu2) PoolThread-21/MailAction: Cannot get 
store, and 

This error is seen even after encoding the URL. ie after the session id is embedded in 
the url. 

Does this mean URLEncoding does not create a session here or does not handle session? 

then,how does it work in a non gprs phone ?

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