Gunter D'Hondt wrote:


I've got the following situation: if the user requests http://webserver/getpdf/1 then I need to call a webservice on http://appserver/pdfServlet?id=1. This webservice doesn't send XML back but directly the PDF-document. I can ofcoz easily do this:

      <map:match pattern="getpdf/*">
        <map:redirect-to uri="http://appserver/pdfServlet?id={1}"/>

But this does a clientside redirect (which I don't want since the appserver-machine won't be connected to the Internet). How can I solve this in Cocoon (something like the forward method of plain servlets) ?

I think you can just read the PDF from your servlet:

<map:match pattern="getpdf/*">
  <map:read mime-type="..." src="http://appserver/pdfServlet?id={1}"/>

(I don't know the PDF mime type at the moment)

-- Andreas

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