Huber, Daniel wrote:

Hi there,

I'd like to use different date formats with the
There have been some requests on this topic in this list, but no real

As i saw in the source code, the name of the parameter is hard-coded. It
must be 'format'.
So in cocoon.xconf it is (currently) not possible to declare more than
one format.
(I also saw some postings which demanded to change this...)

But the wiki and some other sources say that besides cocoon.xconf there
is another place where I can define a 'format' parameter for
DateInputModule: "Format given through attribute "format" of
configuration root node [=cocoon.xconf?!] or nested <format/> tag on
module declaration. [=???]"

The configuration takes place in cocoon.xconf. The two options just mean

<... format="..."/>



What you can do is declare multiple instances of the DateInputModule with different names and formats.

-- Andreas

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