On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 11:48, Jorg Heymans wrote:
> did you check the endorsed lib problem? Search the wiki for a howto.

Hah! That definitely looks like it.

Unfortunately, the Wiki page doesn't say *what* files need
to be copied to the endorsed directory: it just says "the
libraries"; and it refers to a jre/lib/endorsed directory
which doesn't exist in my /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_05 directory
(do I create it?).

> Any particular reason why you decided on an old cocoon version?

Yes, Cocoon won't compile because ant is apparently
being picked up wrongly from FC2, despite what the docs say;
and Tomcat 5.5 has issues running under Java 1.5.0 unless
you start adding patches.


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