On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Kees van Dieren wrote:

In mozilla Firefox, when you open the right-click menu and choose "View
page Info" what is the value for Encoding  there?

The same than used in serializer configuration. No problem here.

The serializer still seems to use ISO-8859 (e.g. not UTF-8)(according to the link problem)?

The serializer uses the configured encoding, EXCEPT for the url-attributes, like @href. Here's the problem.

The serializer add's the encoding type to the resulting html page, just behind the <head> tag. It should add something like: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8> What is the charset in the resulting html page there?

The one set for the serializer's congfiguration.

Encoding could also be sent within the headers. You can use WGet to view the headers (google for it to download it). with wget -d http://address/ you might see the encoding type specified in the content-type header. Is it correct there?

Haven't tested this, but IE and Mozilla detect the encoding as supposed. The problem seems to be the combination of Xalan serialization and Cocoon's internal "trick" to convert each request parameters's value from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. This works only if the values are not UTF-8 already, which is not the case after Xalan's serialization.


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