On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:30:59 -0600
"Craig Christophersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Derek;
> Thanks again for your reply.
> In my tomcat(version5) webapps folder my cocoon application is navCoc.
> SVG is a subfolder of that (as is
> WEB-INF,.metadata,.settings,style(xsl),Graphics, Menus, and more).
> All the cocoon jars are in WEB-INF/lib. Classes(generators, actions,
> etc.)in WEB-INF/classes.
> I have several actions, generators that work fine(many of which are
> aggregated in the sitemap).
> ( this is a fairly large J2EE application).
> Sitemap, static html files in the same level(directly under navCoc).
> I did as you suggested, put in that sitemap entry, called the xml
> serializer directly (http://localhost:9080/navCoc/SVG/wire.xml), I got
> the svg data as xml in IE.
> This works fine in my xsl to call the applet
> <xsl:attribute
> name="url">http://localhost:9080/navCoc/SVG/<xsl:value-of
> select="$appletImage"/>.svg</xsl:attribute>
> This does not work for calling the serializer from my xsl
> <img src="SVG/wire.png"/>
> <map:match pattern="SVG/*.svg">  <!-- used for calling applet  -->
>    <map:read src="SVG/{1}.svg" mime-type="image/svg+xml"/>
> </map:match>
> <map:match pattern="SVG/*.png">
>    <map:generate src="SVG/{1}.svg"/>
> <map:serialize type="svg2png"/>
> </map:match>
> <map:match pattern="SVG/*.gif"> <!-- can get static files from the
> folder with this -->
>     <map:read src="SVG/{1}.gif" mime-type="image/gif"/>
> </map:match>
> I really appreciate your help on this, thank you.  Craig


maybe you have run your tomcat in a headless environment (server
without X), than this can help you. 


Often there are some usefull infos in the tomcat-logs too.

Best Regards,


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