Hi Peter,

On Mar 2, 2005, at 12:19 AM, Peter Sparkes wrote:


Help please
I wish to bind to a XML file to generate a form and then send the data in the completed form to a database without updating the original XML file. I can't work out how to extract the data from the completed form so that I can update the database.

I'm not quite sure I get the idea... is it to prepopulate a form from XML data?

If so, here's how I would go about it:

// Parse the XML into a bean. This bean is really a kind of "Data Transfer Object" (DTO).
// .
// .
// .
// then:
form.load (theBean);
form.showForm (whatever);
form.save (theBean);
// Finally, pass the bean to your model layer which updates the database.


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