Ben Anderson wrote:

>     public void endTransformingElement( String uri, 
>                                         String name, 
>                                         String raw )
>             throws ProcessingException, IOException, SAXException {
>         if(XQUERY_TAG.equals(name)) {
>             String xq = "<hello>ben</hello>";
>             try {
>                 XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
>                 parser.setContentHandler(this.contentHandler);
>                 parser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xq)));
> the problem is that when the parse method is run, the 
> endDocument method of the contentHandler is called, and I 
> don't think it should be?  I created another transformer to 
> go after this one just to log the events being called, which 
> led me to this conclusion.  So, the contentHandler's 
> endDocument method is getting called twice... once in the 
> parse method, and once when it should be.  Does anyone know 
> why this is happening and how I might change it?

Use EmbeddedXMLPipe to pipe between the parser and this.contentHandler.
This will discard the "document" SAX events.



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