Geert Josten wrote:
<map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.utf8-text" mime-type="text/plain" name="utf8-text"

Yes, I'm using this configuration, but unfortunately it doesn't
change anything.

Really ought to work. XMLSerializer and TextSerializer both extend the AbstractTextSerializer

Actually the XMLSerializer (I'm using the serializers block) extends the EncodingSerializer, which extends Object and implements Serializer. I guess I'd need a TextSerializer based on the EncodingSerializer.

and that one contains:

        if (encoding != null) {
            format.put(OutputKeys.ENCODING, encoding);

But isn't this just used for the caching key? I didn't find any code which attaches the encoding information to the HTTP header.

I suspect that the trouble is caused by something else...

The browser perhaps? :-P

Yes, it is definitely the browser, but nevertheless I have to find a solution ... :|

Thanks for your time!

-- Andreas

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