ShengJie Xia wrote:
fallback is an modular in lenya, it works like .. / or go down
directory one level. if not taking this into account, you mean I just
<map:read type="resource" src="resources/x/{1}.js"/>, But it can't work.

Well, you need to find out how to get that resource matching. You can try downloading the js file directly in a browser. Keep trying until you get the JS file shown in your browser.

It makes me upset.

I'm sure you'll get there in the end!

Regards, Upayavira

On 8/18/05, Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ShengJie Xia wrote:

Hi, Upayavira

I add the pipeline match on *.js, but it still can't sovle the
problems. The following is the pipeline.

********************** pipeline ****************
     <map:match pattern="**.js">
           <map:read type="resource"
mime-type="application/x-javascript" >

          <map:match pattern="*/authoring/**.html">
              <map:read type="resource"
mime-type = "text/html" >

Do you have some idea about this?

What is {fallback:....}? I've never seen that before. Surely you just want:

<map:read type="resource" src="resources/x/{1}.js"/>

Regards, Upayavra

On 8/17/05, Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you got a pipeline match on *.js? Otherwise, the browser won't be
able to find your javascript files.

Regards, Upayavira

ShengJie Xia wrote:


I declare a java script file in the head section of html file and call
its function in the body. I use the resource reader in the pipeline to
display this page, but the browser warns me object expected on the
line of function call.

Another problem is that there is an syntax error at the <head> tag
when I declare more than one java script files in the head section.

The below is the source code.

******************* test.html ****************

            <script language="JavaScript" src="test.js"></script>
            <!-- <script language="JavaScript" src="test2.js"></script> -->



******************* test.js *******************
function a_msg(){
    alert("how are you");

******************* part of the pipeline *********
<map:match pattern="*/authoring/**.html">
             <map:read type="resource"
    src = "test.html"
              mime-type = "text/html" >

Do you know how to solve these problems?

Thanks in advance!


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