Michael Wechner wrote:
> Upayavira wrote:
>> Michael Wechner wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Some Browsers don't like closed tags, like for instance
>>> <iframe/>
>>> but they don't mind
>>> <iframe> </iframe>
>>> The problem is that the xhtml serializer is closing "empty" tags.
>>> (I am aware that the html serializer would be a workaround, but I want
>>> to serialize
>>> the page as xhtml and not as html.)
>>> Is it possible to configure the xhtml serializer to leave them open?
>>> Somehow I have the feeling that this questions was asked before, but
>>> cannot find it
>>> anymore and if there is a solution or not.
>>> Any hint is appreciated
>> Have you tried the serializer in the serializer block?
> I guess that's the one which I am using:
> src/blocks/serializers/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/serializers/XHTMLSerializer.java
>> If that doesn't
>> work, it might be easier to fix than the core cocoon one.
> you mean adding "iframe" to
> if ((local.equalsIgnoreCase("textarea")) ||
>                (local.equalsIgnoreCase("script")) ||
>                (local.equalsIgnoreCase("style"))) {
> ?

Yeah, that kinda thing!

If iframe is another one of those cases, then it makes sense to add it
to that list and commit it.

Regards, Upayavira

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