Hi users !

My name is Hugo Marcelino and i'm having problems in using i18n.

I'm getting crazy with a problem that i'm having with internacionalization.

Im building a web portal in two languages.

I set the catalogues and i've defined the action and transformer like it was in the samples, and i changed the location to other place in webapp

so this it how it comes : it is a very simple example that doesn't work.

        <map:transformers default="xslt">
            <!-- Configure i18n transformer -->
            <map:transformer name="i18n" logger="sitemap.transformer.i18n" src="">                 <catalogues default="messages">
                    <catalogue id="messages" name="messages" location="translations"/>
            <map:action name="locale" logger="sitemap.action.locale" src="">                 <create-session>true</create-session>

            <map:act type="locale">

                <map:match pattern="test">
                    <map:generate src="">                     <map:transform type="i18n">
                        <map:parameter name="locale" value="{request-param:lang}"/>
                    <map:serialize type="xml"/>


<document xmlns:i18n="http://apache.org/cocoon/i18n/2.1">

2 messages files: messages_fr / messages_pt
<catalogue xml:lang="fr">
    <message key="a_key">Ceci est la valeur d'une clé.</message>

<catalogue xml:lang="pt">
    <message key="a_key">Isto é o valor de uma chave.</message>

and what im getting always is:

I even changed in cocoon.xconf the location to <catalogue-location>context://i18n/translations</catalogue-location> and made a restart

What am i  doing  wrong ?

I'm using cocoon-2.1.8 with j2sdk1.4.2_08

Thank you in advance