On Thu, 2006-01-12 at 18:37, Stephen Winnall wrote:
> I am setting up a website using Cocoon and want to generate XHTML and
> use CSS to handle the presentation. Like everyone else I am being
> bitten by the fact that 90% of all browsers conform to the CSS
> standard, but the browser that 90% of the users use does not :-(


> Does anyone know of a way of writing something that could be called
> "XCSS", i.e. CSS written in an XML syntax, which can be
> transformed/serialised into proper CSS?

This would be a useful project: to codify all known differences in CSS
support and behaviour between the browsers. DocBook already has the
structure needed to support effectivities and it would be fairly easy to
add or modify (eg making the vendor attribute IDREFS so you can make
robust references to the browser versions

    <funcsynopsis id="attr" conformance="css2" vendor="ff1.5 ff1.4">
        <paramdef>attribute name</paramdef>
      <funcsynopsisinfo>Returns the value of the named attribute for
      the currently-selected element type.</funcsynopsisinfo>


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