Sorry I don’t have time to describe all the details, but a brief overview of what worked for me follows:


Use flow to display and bind the CForm to the results of an xmldb query then save the results back to a document.  Pass the document to a JX pipeline to get it back into the pipeline, then use XSLT to generate stuff in the XUpdate namespace and pass it through an XMLDB transformer. 


It would be nice to package /abstract this sort of operation up as it seems to be a re-occurring design pattern…  At least it was for my cocoon development.  Perhaps someone knows of a better way.  Thoughts?




From: Mike Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: Updating Xindice with Request Data


Hi All,

I am currently working on an implementation of a wiki type site that uses XML for Wiki syntax, partly to help learn NXBs/Cocoon and partly because I could not find a suitable product out there to meet my needs.

The XMLDB block samples has some good examples on how to update Xindice using XML files which is all very well in good however I need to figure out how to pull xml data out of a CForm and then push it into Xindice. The sample has the pipeline

<map:match pattern="populate">
        <map:generate src="">         <map:transform type="cinclude"/>
        <map:transform type="xmldb"/>

Where ofcourse the generator looks for a physical xml file. Does anyone have any hints on how I might acheive this? I am reasonably new to Cocoon so forgive me if the answer you return is blatantly obvious!


Mike Casey
New Zealand