Andrew Stevens wrote:
From: Peter Flynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 20:03:56 +0100

I added

  <map:action name="auth-login"

to the <map:components> section of my sitemap

Inside the <map:actions>, right?

Yes. But -- grrrr -- I has pasted it inside the LocaleAction
definition, which in the sample sitemap is the only non-empty
element there. Must have been late at night.

So now that works, many thanks, but I now get the same class of
error saying that auth-protect isn't defined. So taking a guess
I tried

 <map:action name="auth-protect"

not expecting it to work, and I wasn't disappointed :-) How many more
of these are there, and where are they documented? There's no mention
of them in the pages about Authentication.


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