Guten Tag johnson,

am Freitag, 9. Juni 2006 um 10:12 schrieben Sie:

> Hi!

> I've two different version cocoon 2.1.7 and 2.1.8 with lots of app on
> it, they are quite different, how to intergrate them.

> ie: a 2.1.7 copplets to use on 2.1.8 portal or 2.1.8 copplets use on
> 2.1.7 portal.

> Best Regards

> johnson

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if the coplets (of the different coocon versions) have no dependencies
to each other i think its possible.

one portal must be your main app which integrates the other portal
functionality as an app-coplet. g.E:
portal A: cocoon 2.1.8
portal B: cocoon 2.1.7

portal A is your main app
in /portal/profiles/copletdata/portal.xml define your app coplet(s)

<coplet-data id="OtherPortalCoplet" name="standard">
      <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String">

portal B愀 anonymous portal user has access to the coplets u need. so
that if you call the URL of your portal B you will see the needed coplets.

Idea behind the stuff:

Request: User (auth+logged in) -> |portalA:OtherPortalCoplet| (act as anonymous 
User for
Portal B) -> |portalB:CopletWhatever|

Response: |portalB:CopletWhatever| -> |portalA:OtherPortalCoplet
(integrates content of CopletWhatever)| -> User

maybe it works

Mit freundlichen Gr�絽n
norman mendel

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