I mean the problem occurs in my component but i don't think it is because of my component. I think that the bean is already "corrupted" when my component receives it because my component method does nothing except getting an attribute value from the bean. I already wrote multiple components that i used in flowscripts with previous version of Cocoon and i never had a problem. It's the first time i do it with the latest version 2.1.9. That's why i think the problem occurs when passing the bean object from the flowscript to the component, which is done by the Rhino layer.

Kind regards,

Ard Schrijvers wrote:

Think I am lost:  I suppose cocoon.getComponent(myComponent.ROLE); gets a component you 
wrote yourself? I thought you might have made a mistake in there, but now you are saying 
it is not "my component" I am seriously confused

Regards Ard

It's not my component.
If I do a myBean.getName() in the flowscript for exemple, the string is well 
But if i do the same call in my component, the string is no more well encoded.
I think it's more a problem with the Rhino layer when passing the objects from 
flowscript to java object.

Ard Schrijvers wrote: But is then the problem not just in your myComponent? What does it do? Ard

Yes, the form encoding is well configured.
We are able to retrieve correctly the accentuated characters from the form in 
the flowsript.
The problem occurs when we pass the bean from the flowscript to the component.

Ard Schrijvers wrote: In your web.xml, you have the form-encoding configured correctly??

For example,

Regards Ard

We are using Cocoon 2.1.9 (Windows XP/Tomcat 5.0.30 and Suse 9/Tomcat 5.0) and we have a problem with the encoding when passing Java objects from the fowscript to an Avalon component.

Here is a sample of our code:
try { var myComponent = cocoon.getComponent(myComponent.ROLE);
       finally {

If we inspect the values of the bean in the flowscript, all the accentuated characters are well encoded. But if we inspect the same values in the save function of the component, the accentuated characters are not well encoded.

Does anyone already had the same problem ?
Thanks for your answers.


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