Hi Bertrand,

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On 11/14/06, Patrick Refondini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...I obtain the following log when running the block using "mvn jetty6:run"
Apache Cocoon 2.2.0-M2-SNAPSHOT is running in mode: prod...

IIUC this is is defined by the "org.apache.cocoon.mode" system
property, setting it to "dev" should help.
Great, it does !

Either in the JVM options (-Dorg.apache.cocoon.mode=dev) or using a
systemProperty in your pom, for example.
I added it to Eclipse IDE in one of my "External Tools" jetty6:run configuration, using the "Parameter Name" "Value" settings. This way it's only there when running it in dev, from IDE.

Thanks, a little parameter saving much development time !


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