Armaz Mellati wrote:
May I ask you what version of Cocoon you are using?


I ask because the documentation you are refering to is somewhat
outdated if you are using 1.2.10 (may be even for 1.2.9).

I was going to upgrade to the latest stable (2.1.10?) when I move this from the pilot machine to the production machine.

I found out that in version 1.2.10 Cocoon is set up to use the new
CoWarp authentication framwork (Which is a better one).

I haven't looked at this. If that's where the future lies, I should move, but I'd be concerned if it's going to change again and again with every version.

But things are different when using that. If you look at your

I thought I read somewhere that that file was obsolete and only retained for backward compatibility.

you can find the following : "If you want to use the authentication
framework, comment out the above line and uncomment the following

Aha. Excellent. Very many thanks, I'll try it.

But if people recommend using CoWarp instead, I'll use it. However, I don't see any documentation at Is it still experimental or is anyone using it in production? Looking at the introduction at, it claims "If you look at the usual Cocoon configuration, the sitemaps, you will not see that your pipelines are only accessible for authenticated users." This is absolutely not true: the <map:act type="auth-protect"> makes it abundantly clear that my pipeline *is* subject to authentication. Perhaps the author meant something else.

Part of the difficulty is that it keeps on talking about "an application". I don't have any (yet) -- I just want to protect a single document, nothing else. Later on I'll want to extend that to whole applications, but to get it working and understand the mechanism, I need some *much* more explanatory documentation (like a worked example). Does anyone know if such a thing exists? I'm happy to do it and write the doc if I can find out how to make it work.


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