Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Olivier napisaƂ(a):
Hi all && happy new year,

I' ve started few months ago to build a sitemap cocoon editor as an eclipse plugin. My first goal was to "play" with eclipse plugins, EMF, WSTTranslator and more ...
I think that the proof of concept is done.
Is there anybody in there that would be interested in contributing :
- code,
- code,
- icons,
- ideas
There was Lepido project at one time but unfortunately it died :(
Have you looked at it? What functionality your editor covers? Is there any place we can see it?

I was thinking about developing plug-in for Eclipse's Test and Performance Tools Platform, but I have no time for this interesting kind of activity, now. Also, higher place on my priority list takes writing some tutorials about incoming C2.2. I could help but not sooner than in a month. Is there any guarantee that you will have enough time to guide the effort?

If there was a DTD or Schema for sitemap.xmap files, then you could use any normal XML editor, or make a stylesheet or customisation layer for a selection of editors.

I couldn't find a DTD or Schema anywhere though: I'm sure there's one around -- it's just not obvious. The link to sitemap-2.1-draft.xsd on is broken, and all the mentions seem to point at drafts.

It looks as if it was just made up as things developed, so what needs doing is retro-fitting it properly, which will be made harder if the development process has not documented the various values or data models that are allowed or disallowed for (eg) attribute values.

Until that's done, it's pretty pointless trying to make an editor.

I did make up a DTD for sitemaps, but without proper documentation it's not reliable. Generating documentation from a Schema is a singularly pointless exercise.


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