I found the error come from input type="file" setting in
form-field-styling.xsl, if I change the state to output, or xsl:when
test="fi:value", it's ok.


johnson 提到:
> sorry!
> the bug appear when there's a upload widget with ajax enable.
> johnson
> johnson 提到:
>> addition info:
>> the error will occurs when there's a textarea field in the repeater
>> before. if not it will fine.
>> johnson
>> johnson 提到:
>>> Hi:
>>> I've a form with a textarea field in it's repeater, every thing is fine
>>> without ajax.
>>> turn on ajax, load form and save form is fine too, but when a load form
>>> from bean and then add a row, Error happened.
>>> the form XML analysys error, can't find the address of eplement:
>>> http://.......
>>> Because it fine without ajax, so it must be some error in ajax, I'm
>>> using 2.1.10
>>> Best regards
>>> johnson
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