Hi Tricia,

   What is the advantage of using a DAO?
I'm not sure if I am the right person to answer this question, but I'll give it a try. Quoting from Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Access_Object:

"Data Access Objects are a Core J2EE <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_2_Platform%2C_Enterprise_Edition> Design Pattern and considered best practice. ... Data Access Objects can be used in Java <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_%28programming_language%29> to insulate an application from the underlying Java persistence technology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Persistence_API>,"

Anyway, my own view on this is that DAO, as any design patterns, is not useful per se, but only in certain situations. In fact, when I wrote my first applications using Cocoon and Hibernate, I simply called Hibernate directly from the flowscript layer.

However, as my applications got more and more complex, this turned out to be really messy. Doing all the data access on the flow layer had - for me - one big disadvantage: I had to do it in JavaScript, while all the classes I used and Hibernate itself were written in Java. The obvious mismatch between the two leads to a lot of issues, from proper exception handling to having to use weird syntax for "delete" methods (hs["delete"](obj), for example, since delete is a reserved keyword in JS). Furthermore, I simply missed my Eclipse and a strongly-typed language like Java seemed better suited for complex operations on business data. In the end, all the (luckily, few) applications I started like this have now grown into an ugly, unmanageable mess.

Personally, I think that flowscript is one of the main (and honestly, few) advantages Cocoon still has over other web application frameworks, but this strength only shows if you use it *just what it was designed for*, i.e. *control of page flow*. All non-trivial operations on bussiness data should, IMHO, *not* be done in flowscript. This means that you have to do them somewhere else - and here, the DAO pattern comes in handy. Using it, I have finally been able to code some applications in Cocoon and Hibernate I can actually be proud of.

I hope this gives you an Idea of why I'm recommending to use DAOs, but still, I do not think that this must necessarily be the right approach for everybody, just because it is "considered best practice".


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