"A User's Look at the Cocoon Architecture" by Matthew Langham and Carsten Ziegeler [1] explains it very well: Matchers, and selectors are executed immediately when the sitemap is processed. But generators, transformers, and serializers are not executed immediately. They are chained to build the processing pipeline. Only when a pipeline is complete (when a serializer is added) is the whole pipeline executed.

The ExceptionHandlerAction does a redirect by using redirector.sendStatus(statusCode) which sends a content-less response to the browser, i.e. the generators, transformers and serializers are never executed because the pipeline is terminated.

You can use
to set the status code without terminating the pipeline.

[1] http://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=30037&seqNum=1

On 05.10.2007, at 16:19, Jean-Claude Vogel wrote:


I have a problem with action usage in error handling in sitemap.

The problem is that when I have an error handle by 'exportExceptionHandler' I loose the XML stream generated by 'GENERATOR LINE' (see following pipeline). So in a browser I receive only a status code return but no xml error stream. When I suppress the 'THIS LINE' line of the sitemap I get my xml error stream in the browser.

So I would like to know why the fact to use an action here (exportExceptionHandler) changes the XML stream in handle-errors.

I add that even if there are other solutions to make the same thing, I would like to keep my ExceptionHandlerAction class (or similar) to be able to have specific actions in my code.

I would to use error-handling in my pipeline like that :
                <map:select type="exception">
                    <map:when test="exportException">
<map:generate type="exception"/> GENERATOR LINE <map:act type="exportExceptionHandler" /> THIS LINE
                        <map:serialize type="xml" />

Following is my Action implementation named 'exportExceptionHandler' in my code :

public class ExceptionHandlerAction implements Action {
    /** General log stream */
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog (ExceptionHandlerAction.class);

    /** HTTP status code in success case */
    static final int SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE = 200;
    /** HTTP status code in bad request case */
    static final int BAD_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE = 444;//RAPHAEL'S HACK
    /** HTTP status code in internal server error case */
    static final int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_STATUS_CODE = 500;

    public Map act(Redirector redirector,
                   SourceResolver resolver,
                   Map objectModel,
                   String source,
                   Parameters parameters) throws Exception {


Throwable throwable = ObjectModelHelper.getThrowable (objectModel);
        Throwable cause = throwable.getCause();

        if (cause instanceof BadParameterException) {
            statusCode = BAD_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE;
        } else if (cause instanceof MissingParameterException) {
            statusCode = BAD_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE;

StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("************ Status Code : ");
        msg.append(statusCode).append("\ncaused by : ").append(cause);

        System.out.println("On est bien passé par là");


        return objectModel;

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