Actually, in this application, I am using continuations. Could it cause the caching of the pdf? I have another little similar application, which fetches the image using http request and don't use continuations. I haven't found any caching problems in it. I am just not sure if these are comparable. They are still quite different.


Joerg Heinicke kirjoitti:
On 04.03.2008 09:04, Lehtonen, Mika wrote:

I have pipeline which produces pdfs (with fop 0.20 or 0.94 or newer) using XML-data and images. In xsl I have multiple 'fo:external-graphics'-tags. While creating my pdfs I normally have to edit my images. But after the first time the image is introduced to the pdf, it stays the same although I edit the actual image. The editing is implemented only after I have restarted the Cocoon. (Cocoon 2.1.11 / Tomcat 6.0.14)

I have this in my pipeline:

<map:pipeline internal-only="false" type="noncaching">

won't help.

The image is also fetched using pipeline like this:

   <map:match pattern="selitykset/*-*-*-*.gif">
<map:read mime-type="image/gif" src="selitykset/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}.gif"/>

What to do that I don't have to restart Cocoon beacuse of changes in the images?

My guess is it's actually the PDF that is taken from the cache. I guess the cache key for the PDF does not take included resources like your images into account. If that's true you just have to invalidate the PDF. I don't know how exactly your PDF pipeline looks like but you might want to "touch" (in the Linux sense, changing the file's timestamp) an XSLT or the input XML.


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