Patrick Heiden pisze:
> Hello!
> I am planning to use Cocoon 2.2 fur a huge web-application and use spring as 
> service-layer together with hibernate for persistance. Both spring and 
> hibernate are within my toolbox for a while, but after reading all tutorials 
> from (and the presentations, too) I am still not able to 
> understand HOW spring is EXACTLY integrated within cocoon and how the 
> combination of the three frameworks should look like for a 
> production-suitable application (missing a sound getting-started-guide). 
> After using mvn archetype:create ... for setting up an standard 
> project-structure for web-apps I could not exactly imagine what configuration 
> nedds to be put in certain place.
> More details:
> - imagine an application that consists of several pet-store-like facades
> - each facade is responsible for processing several well defined requests 
> (the data within them)

It maps to several separate blocks each containing SitemapServlet mounted at 
certain path. Each
block can be created using archetype and you will already find default 
configuration of SitemapServlet.

> - to hook up this with SpringMVC I just define a DispatcherServlet and route 
> through different views

We have DispatcherServlet too but you don't need to bother about it, just 
create servlet beans
declarations in a file placed at /META-INF/cocoon/spring/*.xml of your block, 
see[1]. Routing to
servlet beans is done basing on mount-path attribute.

> - HOW should I port this to cocoon-context to use FlowControl/continuations 
> as my controller?

Once you define high-level routings to your separate SitemapServlet you just 
need to create matchers
in your sitemap file tied to concrete SitemapServlet and call FlowControl 

> - do I 'have to' use several blocks for my application? What I mean here is: 
> a persistence-block, view-rendering-block, etc.. how does an elegant 
> block-usage look like?

It's advised to have several blocks if your application can be split into 
separate structure units.

> - how should the integration of hibernate should look like to enable the 
> pooled connections to be used within flows (found hints for OpenSessionInView 
> filters)

It's more question for Spring usage than Cocoon usage. You need to check 
documentation of Spring to
see how to configure connection pooling.

> I recognized several opinions about cocoon-2.2 documentation and support. And 
> my opinion is, that a better starting guide could help with above questions. 
> BUT: I am not here to bother anybody! I think you build a nice framework 
> (have some experience with 2.1) and I am not afraid of steep learning curves. 
> I think above questions are within context of first implementation-design and 
> I miss the basic theory behind your ideas and/or usage-scenarios.

I hope I'll be able to help you more once you came with more concrete problems. 
Feel free to ask
more questions.

> Looking forward to answeres with best regards,
> Patrick


Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski (who eventually went back online)

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