On 25.03.2008 00:31, shai200 wrote:

This doesn't work for me for some reason. I get an error (see end of this

My code snippet is:

public class XMLInjectAction extends AbstractAction {
  public Map act (Redirector redirector,    SourceResolver resolver, Map
objectModel, String source, Parameters params) { Map sitemapParams = new HashMap();
          String xml="<content><h1>Automatically Generated By Action:
          sitemapParams.put("paramAction", xml);
          return sitemapParams;

And my sitemap entry is:

        <map:match pattern="xmlaction">
                        <map:act type="xml-injection">
                                     <map:parameter name="param" 
</map:generate> </map:act>
                        <map:transform src="demo/welcome.xslt"/>
                        <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

Additionally to Vadim's comment, your approach of injecting XML from an action into a generator is "wrong". An action is for deciding sitemap paths, constructing pipelines, not for creating or working with the actual data. A solution to your problem might be flowscript but you better might explain what you actually try to do, your requirements.


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