
> Hi,
> Reading with interest this thread [1] and wondering how it might  
> relate to my situation...
> I have a servlet (eXist XML DB) mounted as a block and would like  
> dependent blocks to use http basic auth when calling it via SSF. Each  
> dependent block will have its own username and password defining the  
> eXist collections it has access to. If I understand correctly, SSF  
> generates a new request for each service call - how can I add my auth  
> information to the header of this request? Is it possible to provide  
> username/password in the service uri?
> Also, what is the correct way to handle the response codes returned  
> by service calls?
> E.g. block B calls block A, block A returns a response code of 403
> How can I ...
> a) Pass this response code back to the user
> or...
> b) Hande the response in the sitemap of block B - Perhaps a response  
> code selector to use within <map:handle-errors/>?
> ... and finally, how best to handle response codes when using  
> <map:aggregate/>, where one or more parts of the aggregate return an  
> error code?

these are answeres I am also looking for and there must be solutions to this... 

> Thanks,
> Robin
> [1]

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